Activity 1: Teaching Activities for high achiever students
Date : 13.10.2010 (Wednesday)
Time : 0830 – 0930
Class : Year Two
Unit 10 : Volume of Liquid
Title : Measure volumes of liquids using non-standard units.
Terminology : Measure, volume, capacity, non-standard units, cupfuls
and glassfuls.
Learning Area : Measure and compare volumes of liquid
Learning Outcomes : At the end of the lesson, the students are able to measure
volumes of liquid using non-standard units.
Learning Objective : Measure and compare volumes of liquid by using uniform
non-standard units.
Materials (Teaching aids) : (i) water colour (for preparing the coloured liquid)
(ii) containers brought by each group of pupils: an ice
cream cup, a plastic container, various used jelly
Mathematics concepts / skill : Measuring with non-standard units.
Values : Careful
Procedures (Teaching activities) :
1. Teachers divide the class into groups of five students and have them work
in their groups.
2. Teacher appoints one of student in the group to be the leader.
3. The teacher fills the ice cream cup and the plastic containers with some
amount of coloured liquid.

4. Teacher asks the pupils to approximate amount of which container holds more
5. Teacher teach the students to measure by pouring the liquid into the used jelly cups.

6. Teacher get the pupils to mark the number of cupfuls of liquid and check their answer with teacher .
The leader from each group presents their result and make a conclusion.
7. Teacher summarizes this lesson.Than, teacher will explains that if the liquid in container fills up more
cupfuls of liquid, it means that the container has larger volume. She will tell the students do not
judge the capacity of liquids by their height if they are in different containers.
8. Teacher give some worksheet to the student to practice.